Access gangways are essential links between the mainland and the floating systems.
These facilities therefore have a unifying function and a second, very important, safety function.
Different environmental and usage conditions influence the choice of the most suitable gangway.
Interbox Marinas has a range of different solutions to propose to the customer, to be evaluated according to site, mooring conditions, tidal range, seabed and wind strength.
Self-bearing and articulated gangways
The self-bearing walkway shares the same width as the pontoon and the result is a continuous walkway with a step-free and barrier-free walking surface.
Access Gangways with articulated joint device
The gangway range also includes an articulated joint version complete with handrail and wheels.

Design and materials are carefully studied to guarantee the customer a durable and low-maintenance.

The technical expertise gained in over 45 years of experience ensures high quality in the design and final installation of gangways.